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Daily Schedule


This schedule is made to be easily manipulated depending on how many children are that day.

8:00-9:00 A.M- Greeting/ Free Play

9:00-9:30 A.M- Bathroom, wash up, Snack Time

9:30- 10:00- Large Group

10:00-10:30- Small Group

10:30-11:00 Free Play

11:00-11:15- Clean up then Bathroom

11:15-12:00- Outside Time

12:00- 12:45- Lunch Time

12:45-1:00- Bathroom

1:00-3:00- Nap Rest Time

3:00-3:30- Bathroom, Wash Up, Snack Time

3:30- 4:00- Large group

4:00-5:00- Free play/outside

5:00-6:00 Free play Departure


Large Group would be either a story or a conversation about the story. Singing, dancing, and different movements. Could also be a good lesson plan/activity for a large group of children.


Small Group would consist of different development activities. Could be art, writing, or different expanding the mind activities.

Lessons and Reviews

Ice Melting Experiment


To the right is the lesson plan for this activity. This lesson is good for any age group. I did this with 2/3 year olds.

To the right is a review from my cooperating teacher about this activity. The one thing I learned about myself with this lesson is to ask more open-ended questions.

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